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Hi, I'm Trish

I Believe in You until Your Believe in Yourself!

My Story

Hi I’m Trish. I’m an introvert, a creative business consultant, a mentor, a speaker, coach, trainer, author and host of Get Known Be Seen WebTV.    I have come a long way from young girl just out of school who  was a very shy introvert whose concept of meeting people at meetings was to find the tallest pot plant, the clock and the exit sign. I would stand behind the pot plant, watch for 10 minutes on the clock and then was out the door.  It certainly wasn’t the best way to network!  Today  my clients work with me because they know I can help them have the confidence and self-belief to make speaking easy. I am passionate about mentoring, I am awesome and I own who I am. Oh, I am just a touch in love with the colour purple as well!